Emergency Rental Assistance Program Grantee List


Rental Emergency Assistance funding came through in the December 2020 Stimulus Bill and will result in $25 billion being made available to residents who are behind on rent and utilities for Covid-19 related reasons. The funds are distributed like a block grant, to states, territories and substantial counties and municipalities, as well as specific Native American Housing Authorities. Click here to read more.

Irrespective of previous income, if a resident lost their job due to Covid-19 and remained unemployed for 90 days or more, they can seek these funds for up to 12 months of arrearage and potentially, an additional 3 months, if needed.  Grantees are encouraged to focus significant funds on those resident at less than 50% of the Average Median Income (AMI) for the region.

Please review the Excel spreadsheet linked below, as your state, county or city may have received funds.

Click here to download the full list of Emergency Rental Assistance Program Grantees (12-20 Stimulus).

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  • Hamza Ashfaq
    published this page in Updates 2021-02-13 08:03:16 -0700