Yardi Says Multifamily Market Continues to Show Strength

BY  ON MAY 13, 2021

According to the latest Yardi Matrix Multifamily Report, the average U.S. multifamily rents in April increased $10 to $1,417 - the largest increase that they have seen since the beginning of the pandemic. Click here to read more.


“Nationally, the multifamily market continues to strengthen, with record-breaking year-over-year growth in April. All top 30 markets had positive month-over-month rent growth last month, the first time that has occurred since March 2020. But the real sign of recovery was the improved performance in many gateway markets.”

Click here to read the full report at Yardimatrix.com.

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  • Hamza Ashfaq
    published this page in Updates 2021-06-07 07:00:06 -0600