Single-Family Built-for-Rent Construction Surges

BY  ON AUGUST 24, 2022

The NAHB’s Eye on Housing says Single-family built-for-rent (SFBFR) construction surged during Q2, 2022 as higher mortgage rates caused homebuying affordability to decline. Click here to read more.

According to analyzed Census data, there were approximately 21k single-family built-for-rent (SFBFR) starts during the second quarter of 2022 –  a 91% gain over Q2, 2021.

“The SFBFR market is a means to add inventory amid challenges over housing affordability and downpayment requirements in the for-sale market, particularly during a period when a growing number of people want more space and a single-family structure. Single-family built-for-rent construction differs in terms of structural characteristics compared to other newly-built single-family homes, particularly with respect to home size.”

Click here to read the full report at the NAHB’s Eye on Housing.

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  • Hamza Ashfaq
    published this page in Updates 2022-09-01 06:20:09 -0600