Rental Housing in America


Who owns rental properties in America?  Members of National REIA will not be surprised to learn that of the 19+ million rental properties across the nation, 72% are owned by individual investors. The NAHB's Eye on Housing recently took a deep-dive into the Census Bureau's Rental Housing Finance Survey (RHFS) to examine the characteristics of rental housing in the United States. Click here to read more.

The RHFS provides measures of financial, mortgage, and property characteristics of rental properties across the country on a current and continuous basis. Another interesting tidbit:  The majority of rental properties in America (86%) are single-unit properties.  Indeed…

Click here to read the full report at the NAHB’s Eye on Housing.

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  • Hamza Ashfaq
    published this page in Updates 2020-09-26 02:30:02 -0600