Infographic: We started seeing this trend a few years ago, well before the Coronavirus pandemic. Citing recent data from Pew Research, today's graphic shows that 52% of Americans aged between 18 and 29 now live with a parent - which they say is the highest share recorded since the Great Depression-era! Click here to read more.
And some of you were looking forward to finally being empty-nesters, indeed… Stay safe and Happy Friday!!!
“The share of young adults currently living with their parents is higher than any previous measurement recorded in surveys and decennial censuses. The highest historical value was previous recorded in the 1940 census towards the end of the end of the Great Depression when 48 percent of young adults lived with a parent. The share reached its lowest point in 1960 at 29 percent but it has grown steadily ever since, hitting 49 percent by February 2020…”
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