Family Promise Helps Low-Income Families Achieve Sustainable Independence


As property owners and managers, we often encounter less than productive members of society. Without ascribing excuses or blame, some of these people truly need help, and would gladly make use of it. Click here to read more.

Rather than playing social worker, many property owners/managers will refer those in need to various social service agencies, and have long term relationships with those agencies.  These organizations often provide short-term benefits, helping residents overcome a financial bump in the road, which might otherwise spiral into a de facto landlord loan (late rent & payment plan) or an eviction.  A few however, provide long term support in the form of financial training, life coaching and mentoring – these groups have a greater impact and a noticeable impact on our communities.

One organization that has shown impressive results is Family Promise.  In over 20 states already, their relationship-based methodology systematically improves a resident’s chances of overall success, even helping them define new goals of success.  While some National REIA affiliated groups are already working with Family Promise, we wanted to further this information about the benefits of partnering with Family Promise.  Please take a moment to review the material below and reach out to your local branch to explore the opportunities!

“We are Family Promise…Transforming the lives of families experiencing homelessness. Because every child deserves a home.”

Keys to Good Tenancy Best Practices

Family Promise Information Sheet

Click here to learn more at


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  • Hamza Ashfaq
    published this page in Updates 2021-02-13 07:57:17 -0700