What the Rate Cut Means for Real Estate Investors

BY  ON AUGUST 8, 2019

For the first time since 2008, the Federal Reserve recently cut rates by one quarter point.  In a recent a recent episode of Real Estate News for Investors Kathy Fettke explains what the rate cut means for real estate investors and sheds more light on the current economic landscape.  She says this action marks a dramatic shift in monetary policy.

“So we will most likely see a strong economy through the rest of 2019, and probably up until the election. And, if the economy remains robust, there’s a strong chance Trump will get re-elected….These are however, uncertain times. The best advice for real estate investors is to sell your high priced, low cash flow properties while interest rates are low, and exchange them for low cost properties with high cash flow.”


Click here to read the transcript on Real Wealth Network.